for the past couple of days, i've been developing different ideas for the movie poster. i'd like to think that i have a pretty good working knowledge of both photoshop and illustrator, so being able to come up with new ideas to promote the film is both challenging and incredibly stimulating to the creative side of me. one of my good friends commented that the current movie poster makes the film look more like an action movie versus an art-film. so, i'm developing different ideas for something that may be more in tune with the kind of movie that PRAXIS is. i've come up with about three different ones, and i'd like to come up with at least one more. the plan is to show different people, particularly those who know nothing about the movie, and to get their opinions on whether they would be interested in seeing the film, solely based on the movie poster. it's basically market research, and trying to appeal to the art-house crowd. another friend of mine who works for a design firm is also going to help me out with this project. tho, he said to me that it would be incredibly hard to represent the film in a single image, since the film is so visual and complex. i don't think that the poster has to be the single representation of PRAXIS, but mainly one that would peak enough interest into coming to see the film. so for now, i'm enjoying the process.
i'm also working on two different scripts at the same time. i know that this is kind of odd, the whole multi-tasking and all. but fortunately, both scripts are ideas that i've been working on for quite some time, and they're both completely different from each other, in style and genre and the lot. i noticed that there is a Film Independent Screenwriting deadline in April, so i plan on using this deadline as motivation to get at least one of the scripts done. i don't know what my chances are, but at least it'll help me focus on getting at least one script done by then. tho, it's funny how my mind bounces back and forth between both of the scripts - one of the scripts has more of a developed plot structure and conventional storytelling, while the other still needs more research on the storyline and plot. for that one, i've started doing a little bit of research, and a good friend of mine gave me some really good books that he recommend me read. so, i do like the way that new ideas are developing. but at the same time, it does bounce back and forth. but i think that this process is working well for now - when i get bored or frustrated with one, i can bounce to the other, and comeback to the other one when i get a new idea. so, at least i'm not completely burning out on the single script. for now, at least...
so, as usual, lots of things to work on, and the film is doing really well with Cinequest. let's hope that the film screens at many more places this year.
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Tuesday, January 22, 2008
PRAXIS poster ideas
Posted by PRAXIS at 10:32 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 06, 2008
PRAXIS @ CineQuest Film Festival
2008 has finally arrived, and there's a flurry of new and exciting activity happening with film. PRAXIS has been selected as part of the CineQuest Film Festival, and for a short time the complete film is available for screening on-line in a special competition called CineQuest Vuze Audience Favorites. From now until February 14th, people can view the film and vote online for which films they think should screen at the festival. Either way, it's a great way for people to watch the film, and for us to get some much needed feedback on what audiences might get from watching the film.
Along with being a part of Cinequest, we've completely re-vamped the website, and the praxis website. both sites now include a number of streaming media files which include trailers, making of videos, and also complete films and videos of previous work. The cool thing is that now people can view UNFORTUNATE MAN, the short film that was a major influence in the style and content of PRAXIS. we also have complete music videos for The Out_Circuit and Kerosene 454, along with some other new and cool promos and video segments and general non-sense. we've also revamped the PRAXIS myspace page to reflect the new sites and sounds.
We're also in the process of developing new advertising and marketing for PRAXIS, and we may even have an on-line poll to see what movie poster people would like best for the film.
We're also excited that there's a pretty good chance that PRAXIS will screen in the spring, so we're planning to make it a really cool and fun event.
So, tons of things going on. in the meantime, PLEASE vote for PRAXIS at CineQuest:
And check out the new sites and sounds:
cheers! and stay tuned for more exciting developments!
Posted by PRAXIS at 3:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: Arthouse, Cinequest, New Filmmakers, Vuze