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Thursday, February 22, 2007

festival cut, lots to do

last weekend, i spent most of the weekend transcoding the festival cut 1 of the film onto dvd. it took an enormously long time to trancode a quicktime reference movie from the avid, and then burn it onto a dvd-r. anyhoo, i showed the film to my partner and producer paul, and he gave me a lot of honest advice about how to tighten up the film. i know that i'm going to make a lot of changes, but i also feel comfortable at this stage to be able to show this version to a couple of close friends, to get their honest opinions. i'll hopefully be able to show the film to some of the crew, jamie, wes, and tim, sometime this weekend. i've also sent a copy out to bob in l.a. - i think he'll give me the best advice, since he's always done that in the past, and i feel like he's very much of a creative peer.

most of the changes are easy fixes. but i'm also eager to get some feedback on the overall aesthetics. i'm very happy with the way the film has turned out. but i also think it's important to get other opinions, and to see if the film works as a whole. i think it's also important to gauge the different opinions you get, to determine where they're coming from and to see if they're worth changing something specific in the film. for example, if only one person out of the four or five doesn't get a specific scene, then it might not be worth changing it. but then again, if they all agree, then i would definitely reconsider the scene. the important thing throughout this whole process is that you have to believe in the film and to have a pretty thick skin, to be able to take all kinds of criticisms. i think that the more films a person makes, the more they learn that everyone sees the film in completely different ways. so, the only sure thing that you can do is know your own personal reasons for making the film, and why you believe in it.

so, i plan to spend most of this weekend on these quick fixes, and on tightening up the film as a whole. i also need to work on re-vamping up the website, and to start work on press materials...and a trailer...and movie poster ideas... and plan the screening...
lots of stuff to work on....

next weekend, me and paul are heading up to new york to meet up with tom and andrew, and i'm going to show them the festival cut. i'm sure that they'll be excited about seeing it.

while i was out in l.a., me and bob talked a lot about blade runner - he was reading an article about how chaotic and difficult it was for the producers, actors, and all - how almost seemingly an impossible task it was to make that movie. we also talked about the director's cut of the film versus the theatrical release. so i sent him a copy of the director's cut, since he hasn't seen it. we both agree that blade runner is an incredible film, and how beautiful and inspiring it is. despite the circumstances that it was made under, and also how it bombed at the box-office, i'm amazed and how much, over time, it has influenced so many other movies, and just how incredibly beautiful a film it is. i prefer the director's cut - it's much more subtle, and doesn't have the annoying voice-overs. it also has a dream about a unicorn, which really gets ya thinking.

anyway, i totally enjoying watching that film, and i find it truly inspiring. i think about that film, and i think about all the possibilities...